• Swing Analysis

    (One-Time Purchase Only)

    Send in your swing to be analyzed. Then you will receive a breakdown of what you are doing well, what needs improvement, what is causing these problems, and what we need to address first.

    After submitting your video, we will discuss your goals, time availability, and determine what plan might be best for you going forward.


  • Birdie Package

    This Monthly Package Includes:

    2 Video shares per/month

    2 phone calls per/month

    You will receive 2 separate videos for each time you share a video including:

    A video analysis breaking down your swing with comparisons to previous swings you have sent.


    A lesson video showing you what we are working on, why we are working on it, and how we are going to correct it. We will also discuss drills and your personalized plan to help you address the problem.

    $175.00 per/month

  • Eagle Package

    This Monthly Package Includes:

    4 Video shares per/month

    4 phone calls per/month

    Unlimited messaging through “On-Form”

    You will receive 2 separate videos for each time you share a video including:

    A video analysis breaking down your swing with comparisons to previous swings you have sent.


    A lesson video showing you what we are working on, why we are working on it, and how we are going to correct it. We will also discuss drills and your personalized plan to help you address the problem.

    $300.00 per/month


There are benefits to online instruction that in person lessons can’t offer.

  1. Once you receive your swing analysis and your lesson videos, you will always be able to go back and rewatch them. No more taking lessons and forgetting what you were taught…

  2. You get to work on your swing on your own time frame, when your schedule allows. You can send me a swing, have conversations with me, and watch your lessons at your own convenience.

  3. Through the process of sharing videos, you will get comfortable at looking at your own swing on film and will learn how to see things for yourself, from a coach’s perspective.

  4. Weekly or Bi-Weekly plan’s that are designed specifically for your needs, and for time frame you have to practice.

How Does Online Instruction Work?

  1. Select a plan that works best for you (listed above). We will then set up a time to discuss your needs and what you are hoping to get out of taking lessons.

  2. Take a video of your golf and swing and share it with me either through the app “OnForm”, or via email.

  3. Let the whole process begin!

Have Questions?

Email me anytime at:
