Do You Have A Vision For Your Game ?

So, let me ask you something: Do you have a vision for your game? Do you know what you want to be able to do months or years from now that you can’t do currently? Are there positions that you see others achieving in their golf swings, or the sound of contact that someone makes that you dream of having? Do you have a goal for what you would like to be able to shoot consistently in a round?

In coaching for 15 years, one major difference between those who get better and faster, are those who have a vision of what they want to look like in the future for themselves. This will be their motivating factor, and the purpose for working on their game. This vision will get them to practice harder and more efficiently. A coach can help a player have this vision, but ultimately that vision has be to clear enough to the player that they can picture it themselves.

Some examples would be like this:

When you started working after college, did you have a vision for how you wanted your career to go? What did you do every day to get closer to that end goal and your vision?


When you began raising your child, did you have a vision for the person you would like them to become when they are an adult? Did you work with them every day to get them closer towards that vision?

Now apply this to your golf. Look at where you are now. Visualize where you want to be in the future. Work towards that plan every day, one little step at time.


There is no Such Thing as a Swing Method


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