There is no Such Thing as a Swing Method

If you have been around golf for a long enough time, you have heard of all of the different methods to learn the golf swing. A few most commonly known would be the “Single Plane Swing,” Stack and Tilt,” the “A Swing”, the “Rotational Swing”, or “The Catapult Method.” Some of these methods have been used by tour pros or taught by very famous coaches. Many academies have been created, touting that they are teaching one of these methods to all of their students. The fact of the matter is this is just a ploy to get you to take lessons from them, to attend their academies, or to get clicks for their social media.

Each individual that is reading this comes from a different athletic background, could be young or old, short or tall, have short or long limbs. Some of you may have limitations because of your health or injuries. On top of all of this, some of you will have more time than others to spend on their swing. All of these factors and more, change the way a coach should approach teaching a golf swing.

If you take a look at the professional game, we have seen top positions (Rahm, Hoviland, Daly), footwork (Bubba, Scheffler), Impact positions (Furyk, Mickelson), or Finish Positions (Palmer, Ho-Sung Choi), that are all unique. One thing all of these players have in common is that it works for them.

From my own experience, I have learned how to swing the golf club now two different ways. I was happy with the way I swung the club 10 years ago, but since then I have had injuries, forcing me to be less rotational. This has caused me to change the way I swing the club so that I can still play at the level I would like, and so that I can continue to enjoy the game. Each individual player has to develop in their own unique way. Each individual player has to continuously adapt as they get older in life. There is no one method or way to learn the golf swing.


How Many Swing Thoughts Should You Have?


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