Tips To Play Faster

If you are wondering how to play a bit faster or would like to help your playing partners move along quicker, here are 5 simple tips and tricks that you can use to speed up your play on the golf course.

  1. While your playing partner is getting ready for their shot, get ready for yours. Estimate what clubs you might need, grab that range finder, towel, sand, some clubs and head to your ball. This allows you to get into your routine while they are hitting, and you can be ready to go as soon as they have hit.

  2. Keep your gear in your hand until you get to your next shot, or until your partner drives to their next shot. If every time you put a club away, you are also grabbing a new one out, this will cut down on the time between shots.

  3. Write down your scores for the hole on the next tee box. Most of the time you have to wait on the tee box for the group ahead of you. Use this time to write the scores down, as opposed to holding the group up behind you.

  4. Shoot the yardage from the cart with your range finder. Let’s be real… most of us cant hit an exact yardage. Take that yardage from your golf cart, grab a couple clubs and head to your ball. If you then have time while others are hitting, take another yardage to be exact. If it’s already your turn, estimate it and go.

  5. Go through your putting routine while others are doing theirs. Use the time while other people are reading the green, fixing their divots, or chipping to get your read on your putt. You should always have time to walk around the hole and get lined up. Just do this before it’s your turn.


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